Pre Wedding Videography Singapore

L _ R Couple (31)

Telling Your Tale

Our pre wedding videography service

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

At Nine Wedding, we cherish the opportunity to capture the tender moments shared between you and your beloved, as you stand on the verge of embarking on your journey as husband and wife.

Our pre-wedding videography service is more than just a filming session—it's a chance for us to weave together a unique and personalized short film that encapsulates the essence of your love story. While the ROM and wedding day videography sessions are focused on event coverage, the pre-wedding session allows us to plan and execute on a shot list that beautifully narrates your journey to the altar.

Pre wedding videos

Pre wedding videography rates & package

By understanding your dynamic as husband and wife and your vision as a couple, we craft a cinematic short film that authentically reflects the joy, love, and anticipation you share.

Whether you prefer a heartfelt tone underscored by emotional melodies or a lighthearted portrayal of your playful connection, we're dedicated to bringing your dream video to life.

3h Package

$1050 / Session
  • 1 edited and colour graded video delivered
  • Optional: 10% off Gowns/Suits/Kua with Nine Wedding exclusive bridal studio partner
L _ R Couple (3)

Fully Guided Shoot

Book Your Pre Wedding Videography Session Today

Our Pre Wedding Videographers Will Accommodate You

Meaningful Locations

Flexible Timing

No distance is too great when it comes to capturing the special meaning of your love story. Whether it's from one end of the country to another, if a specific location holds significance for you and your partner, that's where we will go.

If you're undecided about the location, here are some recommendations based on our previous experiences:

We joyfully explore diverse settings, from indoors to outdoors, all dedicated to making your videography session truly one-of-a-kind.

If you would like to know more about some of the common locations we recommend, visit our Best Pre-Wedding Photoshoots Locations In Singapore Page.

Our videographers are flexible and tailored to your preferences. If there's a specific time of day that you prefer to have your video taken, we'll be there to capture it.

Based on our experience, the most popular timings are either 7-9am or 5-7pm. These time slots offer favourable lighting conditions, with softer, more flattering light compared to harsh midday sun. Not to mention that it is also generally cooler during these hours. Plus, they often coincide with the magical golden hour, adding an extra touch of warmth and charm to your short film.

Regardless, whether it's dawn, dusk, or any time in between, we will accommodate to your schedule and we will be there to help you capture your special moments at the perfect time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we believe that it is worth accompanying your photos with a video. Here are 3 compelling reasons to consider adding a videography session on top of a photoshoot to your special day:

  1. Stronger Storytelling Medium
    While images can tell a beautiful story, a video captures a more comprehensive narrative. It provides extra context to the surroundings and accurately conveys the nuances and little actions during and leading up to the solemnization.
  2. The Power Of Audio
    It is often said that half of what makes any film successful is in the audio, and in particular, the music. Videography allows us to craft a more heartfelt story by having the footage accompanied by beautiful music, ambience, and most importantly, the sound of you and your partner's voices while saying your vows.
  3. A More Immersive Viewing Experience
    With cinematic effects and creative editing techniques at our disposal, videos help to present your ROM in a more dynamic format, allowing for a richer and more engaging presentation of your ceremony. This will ultimately help in evoking a stronger emotional response when watching it back in the future.

On top of these, an added benefit is that when your guests know that the solemnisation is being filmed, they will more likely be able to better focus on watching this once in a lifetime event, instead of trying to film it.

In the event of rain on the day of your shoot, you may contact us 1 hour beforehand to re-schedule. 

Alternatively, we could also shift the videography session to an indoor location, or embrace the rain with a unique outdoor shoot using clear umbrellas.

We typically deliver our videos within 4-6 weeks, but if you wish to have same day delivery, that is an add-on we can provide too.

Remember to bring all your essential items, not just props for the videography session. Depending on your videography location, items like a portable fan or insect repellent, can be a life saver.

Aside from the things that you should do, here are 3 things we recommend you should avoid

  1. Avoid excessive drinking or staying up late the night before your photoshoot.
    Dark eye bags and a puffy face might be noticeable on the day.
  2. Don't forget about your nails.
    Since pre-wedding photoshoots will involve your hands, make sure to trim and keep them clean.
  3. Bring along a set of comfortable shoes with you.
    In case if you're walking a lot between locations, a set of comfortable shoes is a must-have.

We hope these tips enhance your pre-wedding videography session experience! Regardless of whether you decide to work with us, we wish you all the very best in your upcoming marriage. May your union be enduring! 

Book Your Photoshoot Now

WhatsApp: 8338 1249